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  • Writer's picture Margaret Anna Robertson

What is breast cancer physical therapy?

Updated: Aug 31, 2019

When I tell people that I do physical therapy with women after breast cancer surgeries, I often get a blank look. But, when I explain what I do, they get it. Physical therapists are movement specialists. After surgery and immobility, movement in your neck, shoulder, chest is compromised. Using a detailed evaluation, patients and I generate a plan that works for both of us. We usually start with gentle movement exercises and add stretching and strength training as they progress. It's also important to incorporate scar work daily to prevent scar adhesions and hypersensitivity. I practice "evidence based medicine", this means using research that is published in peer review articles to guide my practice. Movement and exercise help prevent lymphedema after lymph nodes are removed. And, as a physical therapist, I can work with you to reduce pain, irritability, discomfort, loss of movement and function!

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